Two Circles With No Contact, Line Intersects One

Number of solutions: 4

GeoGebra construction

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  1. The input is the circles a and b and the line c that intersects the circle a.
  2. Construct a random circle d centered at point A, which is one of the intersections of circle a and line c.
  3. Make a circular inversion of the circle a and b according to the circle d.
  4. Construct a circle e with radius the size of the radius of circle b' centered at point B, which is the intersection of lines c and a'.
  5. Construct the perpendiculars f and g to the lines c and a' that pass through the point B.
  6. Construct the parallel lines h, i, j, and k of the lines c and a' that pass through the intersections C, D, E, and F of the lines f and g and the circle e.
  7. Construct the axis of the angle of the lines h and i.
  8. Construct a random perpendicular line m to the line h.
  9. Construct the circles n and o centered at the intersection G of the lines l and m that touch the lines k and h.
  10. Construct the lines p and q that pass through the center H of the circle b' and through the intersections I and J of the lines h and i and j and k.
  11. From the intersections K, L, M, and N of the lines p and q and the circles n and o, construct the lines r, s, t, and u that pass through the point G.
  12. Construct the parallel lines v, w, x and y of the lines r, s, t and u that pass through the point H.
  13. Construct the circles k1' and k2' which have their centers at the intersections O and R of the lines v and y with the line l and have an exterior contact with the circle b', and the circles k3' and k4' with their centers at the intersections P and Q of the lines w and x with the line l and have an interior contact with the circle b'.
  14. Perform a circular inversion of the circles k1', k2', k3' and k4' according to the circle d.
  15. The resulting circles k1, k2, k3 and k4 are the solutions.